If you are interested in joining Women on Board as an associate member, please check the Core Competences Profile. If you feel you qualify, you can apply using below application form.
Your application will be assessed by WoB's admissions committee who will advise the board for the admission decision.
Before you start:
Make sure you fill all fields even though the information can be retrieved on your CV.
If you wish, you can fill out the form in multiple sessions. Use the button in the top right-hand corner to display the load and save options.
Privacy disclaimer: Women on Board is committed to preserving privacy. The personal information requested in the application form will be restricted to the use of those persons involved in the members admission process. Once you are admitted, your personal data will be transferred to the members database accessible only by authorized parties having signed a confidentiality charter. Women on Board will not use your personal data for marketing purposes. You have a right of access, information and rectification of your data, at no cost.
Please note that documents are not stored when you save a session.
Click on Print to print out a copy of the completed form for your own records before you 'send'.
By submitting this form you are confirming your interest in becoming a member of Women on Board.